
A Voice From Calvary (Digital Download)

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A Voice From Calvary (Digital)

Product Overview

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen -- Note: This is a digital download. This is not a physical product.

Bishop Sheen understood suffering. Forced to undergo three major heart surgeries, he spent months recuperating. Yet this time was not wasted, because the beloved Prelate willingly embraced this affliction and meditated deeply upon Our Lord’s Passion and Death, pondering its significance for today. What life-changing lessons did he learn? What new insights did he gain? How did Sheen’s own sufferings shed new light on the salvific actions of Christ?

Happiness and Holiness
In this powerful 3-CD series, A Voice from Calvary, Archbishop Sheen reflects upon Christ’s last discourse given as He gasped for His final breaths of air. Recorded live at the historic St. Agnes Church in downtown Manhattan, and digitally re-mastered, you’ll be privileged to listen and learn as he imparts spiritual secrets to lasting happiness and enduring holiness.

His superb and eloquent words impart wisdom that will renew your understanding of what it means to be a Christian, especially in today’s troubled times. They also invite us to partake in the ongoing work of Redemption. For as St. Paul teaches, “I must fill up in my own body what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ.”

Last Words
Seven times Jesus spoke from the cross, and each of those seven “last words” still speaks to us today. These heartfelt laments from the heart of Christ manifest important elements of His messianic mission and, as Archbishop Sheen carefully explains, they were intended to bring reparation for particular sins of humanity. Spoken in complete obedience to the Will of His Heavenly Father, these words manifest the truth that Christ was the New Adam reversing the disobedience of our First Parents—and so provide the perfect model of discipleship.

The Cross, far from a symbol of pain and defeat as in ancient Roman times, emerges as the poignant and powerful sign of victory over sin and death. The crucifix, according to Archbishop Sheen, should be viewed as our “autobiography” where all of our sins are written in His Blood. As Christians, we need to meditate often upon its spiritual significance for our lives and allow the atoning Blood of Christ be spread upon us through the Sacraments, especially Confession. Only in this way can we enter more fully into the mystery of Redemption and intimately share in Jesus’ mission.

Your Role in the Work of Redemption
In view of current events, Archbishop Sheen prophetically reminds us, “We are living in a time so in need of reparation, but we are failing miserably.” Find out how you can personally change this terrible tragedy into triumph by accepting your role in the atoning efforts of Christ.

A powerful source of spiritual direction, A Voice from Calvary is ideal for devotional listening, group study, or as a spiritual resource for those suffering in any way. Let Christ’s final words liberate you to freely accept and fulfill your unique mission in life. Purchase a set for yourself and another for a loved one or friend and get ready to transform the world!

You’ll learn

  • Why most people would rather admit to being “sick” rather than being a sinner

  • How Christ is the “New Adam” and how Mary is the “New Eve”

  • Why the shedding of blood was absolutely necessary for the remission of sin

  • How all pain first passes through the hands of God before coming to us

  • Why it took pain to atone for our disobedience and to bring healing

  • Why the Blessed Mother is unfortunately ignored by most Christians

  • Why “wasted pain and suffering” is the greatest tragedy of our times

  • What the three types of atheism are according to Sacred Scripture

  • Why true liberation is not from something but for something

  • What the three modern “false gods” are—mistakenly worshiped by most people


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  • 5

    Posted by Aron Sanchez on Apr 23rd 2023

    Great 3-disc talk, Bishop Sheen presents an insightful perspective on Calvary which brings it to a new light!

  • 5
    *Very happy w/this product!

    Posted by DP on Apr 20th 2023
