Product Overview
Adam and Eve. Abraham and Moses. Mary and Joseph. These and other key figures from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible each play a significant role in the ever-unfolding drama of Salvation History. But how does it all fit together? How can a better understanding of this indispensable aspect of the Scriptures help you to enter more fully into the liturgical worship of the family of God, which is the Catholic Church?
Special Features
Also, key Bible passages quoted by Dr. Hahn are included in the special “Word of God” feature, so you don’t have to juggle the workbook and your Bible. And since all Biblical interpretation is to be conducted with the guidance of the Church’s living Tradition, special sections marked “The Mind of the Church” provide uniquely Catholic perspectives with relevant quotes from the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the documents of Vatican II, as well as papal and other authoritative teaching documents from the Church’s Magisterium.
Finally, at the end of each section you’ll find discussion questions to help you better understand the Church’s teachings on important points, integrate what you’ve learned with other parts of the Bible, and, perhaps most importantly, to apply these insights to your own life.
God’s Covenants and You
With this popular series and study guide, you’ll discover how major events in Bible history present a gradual fulfillment of God’s covenants; beginning with the covenants made with representatives of His chosen people, and ultimately, through His Son Jesus Christ, with His adopted children who make up His Church.
You’ll learn how “covenant” is the key concept that links the Old Testament stories to the mission of Christ and the continuing mission of the Catholic Church; how the scope of the covenants gradually expands; the key components of the Davidic Covenant and how they apply today; the Biblical foundations for the Catholic Doctrine of the Kingdom of Christ; how Jesus is the fulfillment of all the Covenants; and your role in the Kingdom.
Epic Love Story
This remarkable set of CDs is an essential element of truly grasping how all of God’s promises to His people are fulfilled in the New Covenant of Christ and His Church. Digitally re-mastered on 5 CDs and passionately presented by one of today’s most respected Catholic Theologians, Salvation History and the 76 page Salvation History Study Guide make it easier than ever before to learn, understand, retain and share the epic love story between God and His people. Perfect for CCD, RCIA, Confirmation, group Bible Study or personal enrichment. Order today!
Topics Include:
The significance of the plagues God sent upon Egypt
The parallels between the life of Moses and the life of Jesus
Why Jesus is the “new Moses”
The key components of the Davidic Covenant and how they apply today
How Jesus is the fulfillment of all the Covenants
How to understand Jesus’ “family tree”
Peter’s position in the New Covenant
Your role in the new “Kingdom of David”
And so much more!